Various Thoughts From Dennis Shaw

Episode 11: Ted Campbell on John Wesley as a Mindful Leader



This episode explores John Wesley and our perceptions of him.  Wesley was the founder of Methodism and we have a perception of him as a man of action.  Our guest, Ted Campbell, noted student of Wesley at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, offers a more nuanced view that speaks to us in our 21st Century busyness.   The Methodist Review article mentioned in the Podcast is HERE.  (You will need to register to see article.  The site is free). The Susan Cain book on Quiet and Introverts is HERE (and I used ubiquitous Amazon, you can always get somewhere else.)     A quick summary of Dr. Campbell's credentials (from the Methodist Review article) are:   "Ted A Campbell is the Albert C. Outler Professor of Wesley Studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. A United Methodist elder in the Texas Annual Conference, Campbell has authored many works in Methodist history and ecumenical studies. His book, Encoding Methodism: Telling and Retelling Narrative