Mr. Stillman's Opus

Estate Planning Disasters



We’re finishing up our estate planning series with Tim Nordgren, an attorney at SchellBray in Chapel Hill, with a discussion today on what could go wrong if we don’t have the main planning documents in place. Then we’ll wrap up with some of his estate planning horror stories that he’s seen through the years. As you heard in our previous episodes with Tim, there are four main estate planning documents: the will, the durable general power of attorney, the healthcare power of attorney, and the living will. Join us as we find out what could go wrong for each of these and how he’s helped people navigate these messy situations.   Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode: The primary thing that can go wrong with no will is you lose control over where your assets go. Without the durable general power of attorney, someone will have to petition the court to have the incapacitated individual declared incompetent. The two different types of court-appointed guardians. Without a living will, you leave the p