Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#438: Shiny Objects Syndrome? Here’s Your Quick Fix



New projects may be fun and exciting, but do they align with your goals? Imagine this scenario: Things are going great in your online business -- you’ve created your ideal work week, you’re on track to meet your quarterly goals, and you have more time than you’ve ever had to focus on in your personal life. And then… you have an idea. Not just any idea, but the most brilliant idea that has ever popped into your head. It’s sexy, it’s fun, and quite honestly, it’s all you can think about.  But the thing is, this brilliant idea of yours isn’t exactly in alignment with the goals that you’ve set for yourself. In fact, it’s not even close. This, my friend, is called Shiny Object Syndrome, and it plagues millions of entrepreneurs all over the world -- including yours truly.  I’m sure you can relate. Instead of focusing on the tasks that will get you closer to achieving your goals, you get sidetracked by an idea or project that feels new and exciting -- because, let’s be real, launching a new product or course