Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#379: Cure Writer’s Block: The Content Structure My Team Swears By



Get ready to tackle the creativity time crunch and discover the little known framework that I use in my business to produce content.  Let’s be honest: social media, podcasts, newsletters, sales pages and everything else you need to run your business can take a ton of time out of an already busy day.  Just when you think you’re caught up, your content calendar sends a reminder and you’re back at it again.  Sometimes it may feel like you’re always “behind” in your business. You’re in good company -- many entrepreneurs just like you are in the same boat. That’s why in this podcast episode, I tackle the content time crunch so you can start speeding up the production process and start standing out online. Not only will you get some behind-the-scenes sneak peeks on how we write podcast episodes, social media and more but you’ll also get the inside scoop on: How this framework can be used for anything you’re creating so it’s compelling and creates flow and clarity Ways you might be missing out on consistency