Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#244: How to Get Past the Fear of Launching



I’m here to get honest about the fears that come up around launching. Because they are too real. And I have faced MANY of them. If you’ve been listening for a while, then you know I had a HUGE fear of launching courses using webinars. I royally screwed up the first webinar I ever touched, back in my Tony Robbins days. Another time I had THE Marie Forleo live on my webinar, and it went completely silent right as I introduced her. #epicfail But as bad as those experiences were, I didn’t let them define me as a business owner. Because if I let that fear take over, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Maybe you’ve had similar horrifying experiences. Maybe you had a webinar and no one showed up. Or you put a lot of effort into a launch for crickets. Well I’m here to tell you: That’s part of being in business. And you have to bust through that fear and march forward if you want to be successful. And here’s the great news: I’ve generated well over $9 million through webinar launches by NOT letting the fear hold me