Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#237: 5 Ways to Create Binge-Worthy Content with Melissa Cassera



Ok, I have a confession to make...I totally LOVE to binge-watch certain shows like Housewives, Game of Thrones, and my latest binge has been The Handmaid’s Tale. So good! Anyway, I’ve heard from enough of you to know that you, too, love a good binge session. So what do you think it is about these types of shows that keep us coming back? I’m pretty sure the writers have a secret writing potion they use when they’re creating the storylines and scripts. ; ) But seriously, wouldn’t you love to know their secret so you could create content that your ideal customer avatar (I’m looking at you episode #236) wants to binge consume and can’t stop raving about? Well, you’re in luck, because on today’s show I’ve brought in a Hollywood insider to tell us exactly how it’s all done. My guest Melissa Cassera, is a publicity strategist and a professional screenwriter who loves nothing more than creating binge-worthy content, so she’s our girl! Melissa became obsessed with how movies and TV shows could create obsessed fan