Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#234: Do You Know What Makes You Unique? A Brand-Building Chat with Laura Belgray



As an online entrepreneur you are constantly putting yourself out there. You’re writing social media posts, copy for emails, creating webinar slides, creating content for your podcast or video show, and writing blog posts. And when you do, you’re showing up in one of two ways: with your true personality shining, or trying to impersonate someone else. The problem is, especially if you’re just starting out, the impersonation route seems to be the popular choice. I want you to hear these words from my guest today, Laura Belgray: “There is no person, brand or artist that is for everyone.” Read that again, my friends: There is no person, brand or artist that is for everyone. You cannot and should not even try to be all things to everyone. When you do, you water down all that is wonderful and unique about YOU. Here’s the good news! Laura is in the business of helping people infuse their personality in all they do and she’s sharing some great tips and strategies with us on the show today. Laura is a copywriter