The New Stack Makers

Cloud Native Observability: Fighting Rising Costs, Incidents



Observability in multi-cloud environments is becoming increasingly complex, as highlighted by Martin Mao, CEO and co-founder of Chronosphere. This challenge has two main components: a rise in customer-facing incidents, which demand significant engineering time for debugging, and the ineffectiveness and high cost of existing tools. These issues are creating a problematic return on investment for the industry.Mao discussed these observability challenges on The New Stack Makers podcast with host Heather Joslyn, emphasizing the need to help teams prioritize alerts and encouraging a shift left approach for security responsibility among developers. With the adoption of distributed cloud architectures, organizations are not only dealing with a surge in data but also facing a cultural shift towards DevOps, where developers are expected to be more accountable for their software in production.Historically, operations teams handled software in production, but in the cloud-native world, developers must take on these resp