Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Next-Gen Cleaning Formula for Home and Business



In this episode of "Ask a House Cleaner," we explore the revolutionary PathoSans cleaning formula for home and business. Host Angela Brown is joined by Tyler Williams, Director of Scientific Services at PathoSans, to talk about PathoSans's innovative multi-surface cleaning products that leave no residue or scent behind, and the cutting-edge engineering technology behind them. We'll dive into the unique formulas PathoSans uses to ensure its products are safe and effective across many environments, while their ingredients meet the highest standards. Learn how PathoSans makes sustainable cleaning accessible, revolutionizing the industry with cleaning formulas for homes and businesses that promote health and environmental wellness. Next-Gen Cleaning Formula for Home and Business Chapters: 00:00 Introduction of the Guest and Overview of PathoSans  00:25 Different Applications of PathoSans Solutions  01:37 Options for Homeowners and Cleaning Service Providers  02:33 Choosing Between Onsite Generation and Starter Ki