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Can One Cleaning Product Really Work for All?



Can one cleaning product really work for all? Tune in as host Angela Brown and expert Tyler Williams discuss that claim and analyze whether PathoSans's innovative multipurpose disinfectant solution effectively cleans multiple surfaces. Discover whether this sustainable, residue-free formula can replace an arsenal of toxic chemicals.  Tyler provides a deep dive into the science behind the technology that enables one product to work for many cleaning jobs. He explains how the solution achieves superior cleaning by converting water molecules into high performance oxidants. Tune in for an enlightening look at the possibility of achieving a clean home with just one non-toxic formula suitable for all surfaces. Get the inside scoop from an industry expert on this game-changing innovation in sustainable cleaning. Can One Cleaning Product Really Work for All Chapters: 00:00 Introduction of the Guest and Overview of PathoSans  00:55 Concerns with Chemicals in Airbnb Cleaning  01:15 Safe and Effective Use of PathoSans P