Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Disinfectant Solution That Could Change Your Cleaning



In this episode of "Ask a House Cleaner", we dive deep into the world of disinfectant solutions with our expert guest, Tyler Williams, the Director of Scientific Services at PathoSans. PathoSans is a trailblazer in the field of cleaning and disinfection, specializing in Electrochemically Activated Solutions (ECAS) and On-Site Generation (OSG) systems. We explore their groundbreaking disinfectant solution, designed to leave no toxic residue behind, while being eco-friendly, safe, and sustainable. Join your host, Angela Brown, as she and Tyler Williams discuss the innovative technology behind PathoSans' systems, revolutionizing the way we clean and disinfect in industrial, institutional, commercial, and residential settings. Discover how this cutting-edge product not only cleans effectively but also contributes to a healthier environment, with an emphasis on sustainability. If you're eager to learn about the future of cleaning and disinfection, this episode is a must-listen, offering valuable insights and pract