My Imaginary Friends With L. Penelope

Staying On Track: Battling Resistance & Other Shiny Objects



Watch on Youtube: Imaginary Worldbuilding Course Mentioned: Mahogany Books, DC -  Black Women in Fantasy - March 18, 2023 Huberman Lab podcast - "How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance"  Story Forge cards The Story Engine cards My Story Engine Spread: photo 1 | photo 2 Tara McMullin - Can I Squeeze This In? video "Seth Godin: embrace the idea of a smallest viable audience"  "Benefits of a daily diary and topic journals" by Derek Sivers  HB90 Bootcamp open until March 19! (affiliate link) The My Imaginary Friends podcast is a weekly, behind the scenes look at the journey of a working author navigating traditional and self-publishing. Join fantasy and paranormal romance author L. Penelope as she shares insights on the writing life, creativity, inspiration, and this week's best thing. Subscribe and view show notes at: | Get the Footnotes newsletter - Support the show - http://frolic.m