Starseed Radio Academy

Jampha Tibetan Botanical and Mineral Pharmacology



Trinn Hatch will discuss Jampha's new and groundbreaking advanced expressions of botanical and mineral pharmacology, providing a safe, supportive system of healing that awakens and empowers the master healer within. Rooted deeply in the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual healing science Sowa Rigpa, and formulated by revered Tibetan physician and lineage holder with more than 50 years of ethno-pharmacology and formulation experience, Amchi Thubten Leskshe.  Jampha's Tibetan Pharmacy offers safe and effective botanical and mineral infusions that awaken our innate healing systems, supporting the healing of mind, body, and spirit into balanced and vibrant health.  Synergistic Terpenes, described as the life force energy of plants in Tibetan Medicine, advance and enhance the healing potential of traditional plant medicine. Jampha's newest offerings include the Healing Heart, nurturing a healthy heart and fostering emotional equilibrium and inspiring mind-heart coherence while supporting a happy and healthy Heart.  The LyF