In The Author's Corner With Etienne

M. K. McDaniel, Lessons from Dark Near-Death Experience and More . . .



Placed on a ventilator for lung failure in 1999, M.K. McDaniel fought for her life in a drug-induced coma for 3 weeks. Misfit In Hell To Heaven Expat is based on a story of M.K.’s experiences before, during, & after a Dark Near-Death Experience. Her family waited & prayed, totally unaware of the horrors M.K. was bravely facing & miserably enduring in a seemingly eternal hell, culminating in her eventual glimpse of heaven & chat with her deceased fiancé. But M.K. still had work to do on Earth. During her lengthy recovery, as M.K. reflected on the purpose of her experiences in the Afterlife, she recalled the tribulations of her family ancestors & their courage to survive. If they could overcome their overwhelming obstacles, then so could she. As memories of former earthly hellish traumas surfaced & seemed to parallel her actual hell experiences, M.K. sought out others with the same story. She eventually found solace, hope, & understanding at the International Association of Near-De