In The Author's Corner With Etienne

Soraya Diase Coffelt and John Canegata Share Their Platform



On Memorial Day, US Virgin Islands Gubernatorial candidate Soraya Diase Coffelt announced that she has selected John Canegata as her running mate for the position of lieutenant governor. Canegata, a well-known, lifetime resident of St. Croix, will be a 4th-generation public servant in the Virgin Islands once elected. In regard to her selection of Canegata, Diase Coffelt stated, “It is very appropriate that I announce my running mate John Canegata on Memorial Day. John is a veteran who served honorably for our country and islands in the US Army.“ “I am running for governor because too many of our people in the Virgin Islands are struggling and hurting, and I can no longer accept the status quo. Like me, John is committed to making things better for all of our people and will work hard with me toward fulfilling my vision of the Virgin Islands as the economic powerhouse of the Caribbean. As a native of St. Croix whose family has owned small businesses for over 100 years, a former employee of Hovensa, and a vet