In The Author's Corner With Etienne

Lynne Hinkey's Book, Ye Gods, to Benefit Animal Shelters of the Virgin Islands



Virgin Islands animal rescue organizations will get a boon from the chupacabra this summer. Ye Gods! A Tale of Dogs and Demons, the latest novel by former Virgin Islands resident Lynne Hinkey, is a tale of magic and monsters run amok on a Caribbean island. Lynne is donating 100% of the proceeds from ebook sales to animal rescue groups with the Animal Care Center of St. John, St. Thomas Humane Society, and St. Croix Animal Welfare Center benefitting in July, August, and September, respectively. "It's a two-fer deal," Lynne explains. "When you buy Ye God!, you get a good read and do a good deed.   The star of Ye Gods! is the chupacabra (Spanish for "goat-sucker"), a beast that captured the nation's imagination and has made its way into pop culture. Lynne's madcap crime-caper, "a Scooby-Doo meets Murder, She Wrote mash-up," tackles the mythology surrounding the monster with some new and hilarious twist. Lynne is a "marine scientist by training, author by passion, and curmudgeon by nature." She moved to St. Tho