Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Can These Cleaners Really Tackle It All?



G:\Shared drives\PRODUCTION\000 ANNA\AAHC\AAHC1474 - Can These Cleaners Really Tackle It All In this episode of "Ask a House Cleaner", the question on everyone's mind is explored: "Can These PathoSans Cleaners Really Tackle It All?" Join host Angela Brown as she talks with Tyler Williams, Director of Scientific Services at PathoSans, about the versatility and effectiveness of PathoSans cleaners across various surfaces.  Discover how these sustainable cleaning products are designed to excel in different environments, leaving no residue or unwanted odors behind. Moreover, the discussion highlights their safety for households with kids and pets, ensuring a cleaner, safer living space. If you've ever wondered whether there's a cleaner that can truly tackle it all – from different surfaces to ensuring the well-being of your loved ones, this episode is a must-watch. Gain valuable insights into how PathoSans is setting a new standard in the cleaning industry by offering a solution that delivers on versatility, effec