Southpaws Podcast

Episode 546 - We’re Knot Dead



This episode Fuzz and Savrin are joined partway through by Ajax, since we recorded with a solo mic at Fuzz's. Shiva's household is still sick, unfortunately. We talk about new books, EU laws, an Illinois bill for a psilocybin rescheduling, dying on hills, and Bandai really messing up badly on their NFT launch... to the tune of 200+ models just out there. We also got an email from Kyell asking about conventions counting attendance.  LINKS Patreon - Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon Telegram- Illinois Bill Would Remove Psilocybin as Schedule 1 Drug, Create Psilocybin Advisory Board ( Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider | Reuters