Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Janine Vanderburg, Discovering ‘What’s Next’: A Guide for Your Encore Stage, Episode 321



Today, you're in for a special treat as I have the privilege of introducing you to a dear friend and valued client, Janine Vanderburg. She wears many hats: CEO, speaker, writer, and consultant. Her passion lies in helping businesses and brands unlock the potential of encore talent and the longevity economy, guiding them toward incredible success. She offers diverse courses and services dedicated to helping those in the 'encore' stage of life discover their 'what's next.'   In This Episode: Be inspired by Janine’s journey from leading a multi-million dollar consulting firm that she built  to launching her own encore path The several barriers women experience in the workplace and why we need to raise our voices to educate  employers about intergenerational teams How she works and focuses on helping women in their "encore" stage of life by highlighting their attributes, brilliance, and connections The concrete steps you can take when you are trying to figure out your "what's next"  Understand why