Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

Everyday Disciple: Singing Praises



"Singing Praises" (Ephesians 5:18-21) Everyday Disciple Sunday, October 22nd Discussion Questions What are some of your favorite songs and why? How has music been meaningful at different season of your life?  What are some silly songs or commercial jingles that have got stuck in your head over the years? What was the first song you remember hearing as a child? What songs deeply impacted you as a teenager?  Read through Ephesians 5:18-21 and consider what sin is to be avoided, what command is to be obeyed, and what promise is to be claimed?  Why is Drunkenness a sin? Why does Paul contrast the sin of drunkenness with the command to be filled with the Spirit?  What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? What are some practical ways to be filled with the Spirit?  What are some of the things that can hinder us from being filled with the Spirit?  Singing Convicts us of Sin - How does singing reveal what's truth, good and beautiful? How have you been convicted by singing what is true in your life? How is singin