Kavaski Ervin

This Day in Women’s History (Spooky Speaker)



The Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which was enacted in the United States in 1978, helped protect the rights of pregnant workers. It amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. This act made it illegal for employers to discriminate against women based on their pregnancy status and required them to treat pregnant employees in the same manner as other employees with similar abilities or limitations. In essence, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act played a significant role in ensuring that pregnant women in the workplace receive fair treatment, reasonable accommodations, and are protected from discriminatory practices that were prevalent before its passage. It helped promote gender equality and protect the rights of pregnant employees by ensuring they are not unfairly disadvantaged or mistreated due to their pregnancy. Social: @Duhoceanscience