Manifestation Babe

(#283) Become the coach that EVERYONE wants to hire with Ashley Gordon



Today I have a very special guest who also happens to be one of my best friends and one of the most talented coaches I know. Ashley Gordon is the creator of the Quantum Coaching Academy and a highly sought-after coach. If you have ever wanted to be a coach, or you are currently a coach and want to master your craft, Ashley is the girl for you! In this episode, we talk about: 1. What pisses her off most about the coaching industry. 2. How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome.  3. How to coach anyone on anything. 4. Tapping into what Ashley calls big coach energy, and becoming the most confident coach that truly knows their sh*t.    Ashley is also hosting a free training on November 2, 3, and 4 called Become the Dream Coach Masterclass! In this masterclass, you will learn the exact tools and techniques that you need to run powerful coaching sessions. Get ready to step into your big coach energy, deliver massive value, and facilitate deep transformation. SIGN UP FOR THE FREE TRAINING NOW! Ashley Gordon is the founde