The New Stack Makers

How AI and Automation Can Improve Operational Resiliency



Operational resiliency, as explained by Dormain Drewitz of PagerDuty, involves the ability to bounce back and recover from setbacks, not only technically but also in terms of organizational recovery. True resiliency means maintaining the willingness to take risks even after facing challenges. In a conversation with Heather Joslyn on the New Stack Makers podcast, Drewitz discussed the role of AI and automation in achieving operational resiliency, especially in a context where teams are under pressure to be more productive.Automation, including generative AI code completion tools, is increasingly used to boost developer productivity. However, this may lead to shifting bottlenecks from developers to operations, creating new challenges. Drewitz emphasized the importance of considering the entire value chain and identifying areas where AI and automation can assist. For instance, automating repetitive tasks in incident response, such as checking APIs, closing ports, or database checks, can significantly reduce inte