Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#327 Classical Teachings of The Middle Path w/ Dr Robert J Gilbert



Dr Robert Gilbert is as well versed in the mystery schools as maybe anyone I’ve had on this show. He has worked closely with Ibrahim Karim on BioGeometry, Robert teaches a fully initiative course on the tradition of Rosicrucionists, along with many other vibrational and Crystal/Mineral courses.  Today we get a sprinkling of his knowledge base. He takes us into the structure and some content of his Rosicrucian Course and touches on his work with Ibrahim Karim in BioGeometry. He gives us multiple concrete examples to add context to these esoteric teachings and I’m still impressed with how well he communicates all of these topics. Please dive in, enjoy and share this far and wide. Love yall   ORGANIFI GIVEAWAY Keep those reviews coming in! Please drop a dope review and include your IG/Twitter handle and we’ll get together for some Organifi even faster moving forward.   Connect with Robert: Website:  Instagram: @vesicainstitute  YouTube: The Vesica Institute    Show Notes: Rudolph Steiner - Karmic Rela