The Modern Mann

Why Do I Collapse When I Laugh?



Living with narcolepsy - a rare condition that can cause you to fall asleep wherever you are, or whatever you’re doing - required Antonia Gentile to surrender her driving license, and step back from performing, cooking and even reading. As she explains to Olly in this insightful interview, narcolepsy and cataplexy are isolating and debilitating ‘hidden disabilities’. But they can be treated, somewhat, with increased awareness and good ‘sleep hygiene’. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, Antonia recommends sleep improvement app Sleepio, and the charity Narcolepsy UK. ———————————— Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart - fresh from uncovering rude place names in his new podcast for the BBC - gets down and dirty in his recycling bin. Can he rise to the challenge of living a waste-free life? After experimenting with the advice from blog Trash is for Tossers, and registering for the Too Good To Go app, the culmination of his efforts is… steaming an old T-shirt in banana skins, broad beans, and sweet potato s