

It's SHORT TIME SHOTS … a quick look at the day's top wrestling stories. Just going with the big news for October 31 as the National Wrestling Hall of Fame has, quite literally, the honors. The National Wrestling Hall of Fame recently announced its Class of 2024, and it's an illustrious group that has made significant contributions to the sport of wrestling. The class includes Distinguished Members Tadaaki Hatta, Toccara Montgomery, Coleman Scott, and Logan Stieber. These four individuals have had a profound impact on the sport. J.R. Johnson, Darryl Miller, Jonathan Koch and Colonel Steve Banach will also be honored by The Hall.-Tadaaki Hatta, originally from Tokyo, Japan, moved to the United States in 1961 and became an NCAA champion and two-time national champion for Oklahoma State University. Hatta has a storied career in coaching, having been part of the U.S. men's freestyle coaching staff for the Olympics in 1988, 1992, and 1996. He also coached the Japanese Olympic team in 1968 and 1984 and the Mexican