Tuesday Breakfast

Speak Out for Palestine, Australian Universities in Crisis, Campaign to Stop 3rd Tulla Runway, Housing for Aboriginal Communities



7:15 - We hear some snippets from the rally held in Coburg on Thursday 19th of October, called by Merri-bek councilors Sue Bolton and Monica Harte, where 1000 people gathered to call for a free Palestine. This audio was recorded by Annie McLouglin from Solidarity Breakfast.7:35 - Marie Brennan has been Professor at several universities and has researched and written about the dire changes in our university system since the 90s. In this interview with Jennifer Borrell for Think Again, Marie outlines the moves to a more commercialised, top-down management model, in which academic staff have less say, and many have become demoralised and burnt out. This is a gender equity issue, as many of the casual staff left carrying the load are women.8:00 - Shannon Meilak is one of the lead campaigners for the No 3rd Tulla Runway. She is also a community advocate and activist for her lifelong community of Brimbank and founded the Brimbank Sustainability & Climate Action Group. Shannon joins us to talk about the campaign to