Dos Marcos

The Rx For Women's Sleep Success with Dr. Valerie Cacho (Plus, a Peek at Clinical Hypnotherapy)



Sleep doesn't have to be elusive - a women's sleep expert reveals ways to help you get the best night's rest ever! In this episode, Dr. Valerie Cacho joins Kinsley to discuss clinical hypnotherapy, the importance of sleep hygiene and signs of sleep apnea in women! Dr. Val is an integrative sleep medicine physician and women's sleep expert who founded Sleephoria to help midlife women struggling with sleep and provides a holistic approach to improving sleep. Key Takeaways: 1) Clinical hypnotherapy retrains the brain for relaxation and sleep by accessing the subconscious mind. Dr. Val describes using positive visualization and suggestions to reprogram thought patterns around sleep. She shared an amazing success story of a patient sleeping only 3-4 hours a night who increased sleep time to 8 hours after just two sessions. 2) Dr. Val shares sleep hygiene tips like sunlight upon waking, a consistent bedtime routine, and reserving the bed for just sleep and sex. She cautioned against using the