Tprs Russian Effortless Russian

7 – Garfield doesn't work (A1: First Verbs)



In today's episode, we practice our first verbs! Russian verbs change their endings, so don't forget about it ;) знать (to know) я знаю; ты знаешь; он / она знает; мы знаем; вы знаете; они знают. If you want to learn Russian with me, welcome! My complete step-by-step course for beginners –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Знако́мьтесь, э́то кот. Его́ зову́т Гарфилд. Он америка́нец. Э́то его́ дом. Гарфилд не рабо́тает. Он игра́ет и отдыха́ет. Он зна́ет, что всё хорошо́! Text in English: Meet this cat. His name is Garfield. He is American. This is his house. Garfield isn't working. He plays and rests. He knows that everything is fine! Transcript: З