Road To Seven

Cash Flow Is The Life Blood Of Your Business



“Just because you have profit doesn't mean you have great cash flow, and the only way to know if you're in the clear with your cash flow is to be tracking it, seeing it, and following it.”- Shelagh CumminsYour cash flow is the lifeblood of your company. It ensures that your business can meet its day to day operations, and it also is a tool for you to expand and scale. However, what so many entrepreneurs believe to be true, is that your revenue is equal to your cash flow, and that does not work when unexpected expenses pop up, or you need to make a major investment in your business in order to scale.Tune in, because I’ll be taking you through the three biggest misconceptions about cash flow that I see entrepreneurs struggling with all the time. Your revenue is not equal to your cash flow, a profitable business does not mean that you have strong cash flow, and that cash flow problems can only be solved with more sales.We’ll also discuss your financial practices, and I’ll share my strategies for solid