Intentional Performers With Brian Levenson

Jack Easterby on Decision Making



Jack Easterby is a respected figure in sports management and leadership. Currently, he is a consultant based out of Charlotte, NC.  Throughout his career, Easterby has contributed to various organizations, including the National Football League, the Kansas City Chiefs, the New England Patriots, the Houston Texans, the Southeastern Conference, the University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and the United States Olympic Teams. He has also been involved in head coaching searches for different sports at universities. Most recently he held the title of Executive Vice President of Football Operations for the Texans.  Easterby is known as a trusted advisor to players and coaches and has experience as a speaker at universities, graduations, and charity events. Apart from his professional life, Jack Easterby is a family man, married to Holly, and has two daughters, Houston and Harriet. He is also passionate about his community and has established The Greatest Champion Foundation, focusing on curriculums, team-b