The Evan Brand Show

Beat Burnout Naturally: How Adaptogens Can Transform Your Stress Management



Stress is a part of our daily life but too much and long-term stress can negatively impact our quality of life. While there are many techniques out there on how to manage your stress, another one that you may not be too familiar with is adaptogens. Join me and Dr. Justin Marchegiani as we dive into how adaptogens can help you manage your stress naturally. If you're looking for an adaptogen supplement to try out you can check out the Adaptogen Tonic and to further support your body's stress management, you can add the Passion for Her for women and Male Tonic for men - you can check all these out at For anyone looking to learn more about functional medicine and for practitioners looking to implement this into your practice you can check out the courses at If you prefer some personal guidance, you can reach us at office@evanbrand or book a free call with me at to find out more about how we can help!