Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

337: Money, Magic, Miracles with Andrea Donnelly, Money Witch, Business Mentor, Quantum Sound Healer



Past Life Regression Hypnosis Free Gift – Click through to gain access: Andrea Donnelly and Tricia Carr discuss the power of metaphysical connections, timeline shifts, and redefined concepts like 'sin' and 'mistakes' can infuse your life with wonder, growth, and endless possibilities.The Magical Realm Connection: Both Tricia and Andrea connect through their shared experiences and communications with the fairy realm, underscoring the importance of these magical connections in their lives.Timeline Shift and Energetic Clearing: Andrea discusses a significant collective timeline shift, occurring within a week that has resulted in energetic clearing. She explores how the release of old baggage and karma is making way for the energy of money, magic, and miracles to flow into people's lives.Reframing 'Sin' and 'Mistakes': Andrea and Tricia dive into the etymology of the word 'sin,' connecting it to archery&apo