Environment China

Young Professionals in Sustainability - with Qiwen Cui of Dialogue Earth [in Chinese]



In the latest episode of Environment China’s Young Professionals in Sustainability Series, we talk with Qiwen Cui, the China editor at China Dialogue, which in 2024 will launch its new flagship website called Dialogue Earth. Qiwen has worked in various media outlets covering climate action, technology, and entrepreneurship. Her focuses at Dialogue Earth are biodiversity, food systems, energy and climate change. Before moving to London, Qiwen worked at Shanghai-based sustainable social enterprise BottleDream and Curiosity Daily, among others. In the podcast, we will discuss Qiwen’s early academic and work background, career planning path, a day at Dialogue Earth’s London office, and sustainable societies and events in London. This episode is in Chinese and is produced by our Executive Producer Xiaodan Yuan Please consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/EnvironmentChina  我们一生中有将近三分之一的时间都在工作中度过,所以我们要的不仅仅只是一份工作,而是一个与我们的目标、优势和价值观相一致的职业。2022年我们发起了“可持续宝藏青年都在做什么”圆桌并邀请了来自环境、能源和可持续发展领域的小伙伴们分享他们的工作机构和