Out There




Almost 2 years ago my wife and I stayed with our friends Keith and Laurie for a week in southern Arizona.  They go out there every winter and we sometimes go there to visit and to enjoy nicer weather.  During out visit my wife and her friend Laurie witnessed a condor swoop down in the backyard just a few feet from them.  Condors are very rare in Arizona, they might be a little more common in California.  Right a way I kind of had an idea of what this could mean, condors are associated with death.  Both my wife and her friend had a parent that were getting closer to passing and we knew it.  My father in law would pass later year and now Laurie's mother, Carol, has made her transition.  At the time I didn't tell either of them what I thought the condor meant, I just told them it was a defininte sign and maybe it had another meaning as well.  This brings me full circle to my friend Mike who is getting close as well and while a mutual friend want to try to assist him in some way to stop his suffering, it reminds