Chats With Susan Burrell

The Hidden Layers of Infertility



I am honored to welcome Maria Novotny and Robin Silbergeid to Empowering Chats. I am honored to have these two women on my show today. They have a powerful story to share and one that appears in the book entitled, Infertilities, A Curation. These two women, along with Elizabeth Horn put this book together as a result of their shared experiences around infertility. It all started with Elizabeth co-finding the ART of Infertility, for which she has curated thirty exhibits since its inception in 2014. Maria is the co-director of The ART of Infertility. This exhibit was the recipient of the 2018 Hope Award for Innovation given by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association for its work communicating patient experiences through arts programming. And Robin is a writer, a teacher and a scholar who has led many writing workshops and professional conference panels on topics related to infertility. These 3 women collaborated in getting this book put together to highlight how the use of visual art, poetry and creative