Travel N Sh!t Podcast

What Would Steve Irwin Do? - Animal Adventures Around the World



November 15th is Steve Irwin Day !I absolutely loved Crocidile Dundee and Steve Irwin the Crocidile Hunter and had no idea there was a Steve Irwin Day until today! So in honor of Steve Irwin, I’m gona talk about my experiences with animals around the world! Twelve year old me would REALLY think I’m the coolest thing going. I’ve put together an itinerary pack that includes five different weekend friendly roadtrips hours from NYC. Take the stress of planning and packing off the table and focus on the road. miss a Travel N Sh!t beat! Keep up with guest updates and all things Travel N Shit. Sign up for the mailing list: If you enjoyed this week or any week’s episode, please take a second to subscribe and rate Travel N Sh!t on the platform you listen. If you’re REALLY feeling froggy, please take this quick listener survey so I can get to know you better! http:/