The New Stack Makers

What Does Open Mean in AI?



In this episode, Stefano Maffulli, Executive Director of the Open Source Initiative, discusses the need for a new definition as AI differs significantly from open source software. The complexity arises from the unique nature of AI, particularly large language models and transformers, which challenge traditional copyright frameworks. Maffulli emphasizes the urgency of establishing a definition for open source AI and discusses an ongoing effort to release a set of principles by the year's end.The concept of "open" in the context of AI is undergoing a significant transformation, reminiscent of the early days of open source. The recent upheaval at OpenAI, resulting in the removal of CEO Sam Altman, reflects a profound shift in the technology community, prompting a reconsideration of the definition of "open" in the realm of AI.The conversation highlights the parallels between the current AI debate and the early days of software development, emphasizing the necessity for a cohesive approach to navigate the evolving