Manifestation Babe

(#286) What it feels like when the manifestation finally *manifests*



Today I am coming to you from my freshly manifested sanctuary in Arizona! As you're well aware, bringing this manifestation to life was a journey, and a question I often hear is, "What does it feel like when you finally manifest one of your desires?" In this episode, I'm peeling back the layers, sharing the unfiltered experience of what it truly feels like when your desires manifest so that you can channel that same energy and start creating magic of your own.   Before we jump in, I have some EXCITING NEWS! In my authentic 2/4 Generator fashion, I find my most inspired ideas flowing when responding to specific questions. I've devised an incredible way for you to send in your burning questions directly to be featured on the Manifestation Babe Podcast—through voice notes! Ready to dive in? Click here to share your questions or suggestions with me today!   And so much more! So, without further ado, sit back, relax, and push play.    Please be sure to tag me @manifestationbabe on Instagram and share this episod