Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#151: Ask Amy Porterfield: Your Online Marketing Questions Answered



Join us on February 1, 2024 at Coach Builder Summit, the ultimate free livestream event all about helping coaches and consultants build and grow their businesses. Lock in your spot at   --   Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it hard to make the leap into the online business world. They see the potential in online courses or coaching but struggle with making good content, getting people interested, and selling their products and services. This often leads to a lot of hesitation and confusion that keeps would-be entrepreneurs stuck in jobs they hate for way too long. So we brought in one of our favorite experts to help you sort it all out!   In this episode of Business Made Simple, host Donald Miller teams up with Amy Porterfield, author of Two Weeks Notice and leading expert on digital marketing and online course creation, to answer and coach through listener submitted questions including how to quit your 9-5, produce online courses, shift professional identities, and more. This ep