Tuesday Breakfast

Dehumanisation of Arabs in the West, Languages in Community Festival, World Volunteer Day, resettling LGBTQIA+ refugees in Australia, Nevo Zisin at Free Palestine rally



Headlines// 7.15: Syrian-Lebanese author and academic Ruby Hamad on 3CR's Women on the Line on the historic dehumanisation of Arabs and Muslims in the west. Listen to the full episode here//7.30: Salvadoran born artist-researcher Dr Tania Cañas on her work with the Nahuat Saturday School and the Languages in Community festival which takes place this Saturday 9th December from 11am-3pm in Footscray//7.45: Innez Tulloch, Volunteer Coordinator at 3CR, on World Volunteer Day and the value and joy of volunteering in the community//8.00: Lecturer and researcher Dr Brandy Cochrane on the Forcibly Displaced People's Network's report 'Inhabiting Two Worlds at Once' which looks at the experiences of LGBTIQA+ settlement in Australia. Find out about FDPN's refugee sponsorship program here//8.15: Anti-Zionist, Jewish, queer trans non-binary poet, author, and educator Nevo Zisin speaking in support of Palestinians right to freedom at last week's Free Palestine rally in Naarm/Melbourne// SongsHabibi Taal - Alsarah & the Nub