Pete Scribner Sermons

Hebrews 10:19-25



Study/review questions: 1-We began the sermon this Sunday by talking about the presence of “What is true” and “What to do” in God’s word. How do these two types of statements relate to each other, and why is it important to keep them in the right relationship to each other? 2-This passage talks about drawing near to God? What gets in the way of our doing this, and why is this an issue? 3-Verse 20 says that Jesus allows us to enter into the holy places “by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh.” What does it mean that he has done this “through his flesh?” 4-In what sense does Jesus serve as a sacrifice, and in what ways does he differ from the sacrifices of the Old Testament? 5-What are the duties of a priest, and how exactly does Jesus serve as our high priest? How does he differ from the priests of the Old Testament? 6-We are called in verse 22 to have the “full assurance of faith,” and in verse 23 to “hold fast the confession of our hope without