

On today's show, we are talking all about sailing (queue Christopher Cross' song 'Sailing') with some of the best experts out there with over a decade of experience. We will be covering how much it costs, the best places to learn, why it's a great way to travel, the dangers and how to stay safe, and what life at sea is truly like in the day to day. If you have ever had the inclination to get out of your workaday life and explore the world via the oceans then this episode is your one-stop-shop. Let's get those sea legs ready for an adventure! Brian Trautman of turned an 18-month sailing trip into 11 years of sailing with stops in 6 continents and 45 countries and is still going. Where would be the first place you would want to sail? Has this episode inspired you to look into getting your sailing license? Let me know in the comments on the episode page! You will also be able to get all the links there!