

Please welcome back my great friend, Tim Leffel! During Tim's travels over the last year, he has added 5 NEW locations to his World's Cheapest Destinations list and we are going to dive into them all. Let's get into why they are on the list, why they are worth seeing, and why you should book a ticket asap. This is the best time of year to start booking your next year's travels so which of the locations discussed are making it to your list for 2020? Check out the full show notes here! Tune In To Learn: Tip of the week: National Parks & Which To Go To How the exchange rates play a huge part in the cheapest game Why the cheapest destinations are not always digital nomad hotspots How you can afford to travel longer Words of wisdom regarding health care on the road Finding the best food, wine, & cultural experiences The average costs for each location How to find accommodations: plan ahead vs wing it Why you should get out of the cities and into the wild And so much more! Resources: Tortuga Backpac