Welcome To The Lou Trek Show

A Matter of Honor, TNG S2 E8 Review, The Battle Bridge



Riker serves as an exchange officer on a Klingon warship. Ok… Memory Alpha must be feeling a little lazy today. Also happening tonight is a Benzite Exchange Officer nearly destroys a Klingon Ship, Federation Ship and the Klingon/Federation treaty due to an over inhalation of his funky steam. Today James and Lou discuss (A Matter of Honor ) and what we think of it and much more as well as listener feedback. This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star Trek Podcasts, such as Previously in the Alpha Quadrant Podcast at Previously in the Alpha Quadrant: A Star Trek: Enterprise Podcast Please visit TrekMateFamily.com Links Discussed In This Show Were: Trek Mate Podcast Two to Beam Up, A Star Trek: TOS Review Podcast Larry Nemecek You can download the MP3 version of this show by clicking here. To submit your entry for the show send it to LouTrekShow@Gmail.com