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The Battle, TNG S1 E9 Review, The Battle Bridge



Ferengis, Ferengis everywhere… Ok only three. Captain Picard may or may not be a murderer. The Ferengi are presenting Picard with his old ship the Stargazer. Why? Because he is the hero of Maxia. Of course, if you think it’s that simple, your all alone in the vacuum of space. There is much more to the story, so check it out. This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star Trek Podcasts, such as Previously in the Alpha Quadrant Podcast at Previously in the Alpha Quadrant: A Star Trek: Enterprise Podcast Please visit TrekMateFamily.com Links Discussed In This Show Were: None Discussed You can download the MP3 version of this show by clicking here. To submit your entry for the show send it to LouTrekShow@Gmail.com