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Code Of Honor, TNG S1 E4 review, The Battle Bridge.



There will be no Vaccine, No Treaty and No Lt. Yar. Or so they say. Tonight we discuss an episode where the women own the land and the men simply get to play in it, to forever be in the shadow of a great woman, all the while looking for ways to stab her in the back. The Enterprise visits Ligon II in search of some much needed vaccine, but before they get them, they have three steps to go through. Step 1, kiss some Ligonian booty. Step 2, beg for Lt. Yar back after she is captured and finally unwittingly participate in the overthrow of a female house so the spineless weasel she’s married to can take her land and property. All in a days work for the good ole’ 1701D. How do you think we rated this one?? This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star Trek Podcasts, such as Previously in the Alpha Quadrant Podcast at Previously in the Alpha Quadrant: A Star Trek: Enterprise Podcast Please visit TrekMateFamily.com Links Discussed In This Show Were: None You can downlo