The New Stack Makers

How AWS Supports Open Source Work in the Kubernetes Universe



At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022, Amazon Web Services (AWS) revealed plans to mirror Kubernetes assets hosted on Google Cloud, addressing Cloud Native Computing Foundation's (CNCF) egress costs. A year later, the project, led by AWS's Davanum Srinivas, redirects image requests to the nearest cloud provider, reducing egress costs for users.AWS's Todd Neal and Jonathan Innis discussed this on The New Stack Makers podcast recorded at KubeCon North America 2023. Neal explained the registry's functionality, allowing users to pull images directly from the respective cloud provider, avoiding egress costs.The discussion also highlighted AWS's recent open source contributions, including beta features in Kubectl, prerelease of Containerd 2.0, and Microsoft's support for Karpenter on Azure. Karpenter, an AWS-developed Kubernetes cluster autoscaler, simplifies node group configuration, dynamically selecting instance types and availability zones based on running pods.The AWS team encouraged developers to con