Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 2: "To Believe the Impossible" The Gift of a King Week 2



Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth (Matt. 1:18-25) is unusual because it is written almost entirely from Joseph’s perspective. Other than these few verses, Joseph gets virtually zero airtime in Scripture. For all we know, Joseph was a wholly unremarkable person. He was a blue-collar worker, a carpenter, from a little nowhere village in the backwoods of Palestine. And yet, when asked to believe that his fiancé was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and that the child would be the Savior of the world, Joseph had the courage to take Mary as his wife even though it most likely meant public humiliation and ridicule. In telling the story from Joseph’s perspective, Matthew invites us to imagine what it would be like if God were to ask us to bet everything—our reputation, safety, or security—on something wholly unbelievable. What would you be prepared to do, what would you be willing to endure, if God asked you to believe the impossible? More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on I