Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kathleen June, Soulful Adult Learning: Mastering Teaching Tactics for Deeper Connections, Episode 326



Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to one of my extraordinary clients, Kathleen June. Whether you're planning to create a new course in 2024 or update an existing one, Kathleen's wisdom as an instructional course designer is a must-listen. Her passion for adult learning started with a transformative moment transitioning from a school teacher to a workshop trainer. She's been instrumental in shaping courses based on proven adult learning practices, helping me and numerous clients. Joseph Campbell's belief that to change the world, we must teach people to live in it resonates with Kathleen. She sparks a passion for teaching and learning in coaches and thought leaders, guiding them to craft soulful and structured courses for adult learners.   In This Episode: Kathleen shares her journey of self-discovery, transitioning from teaching kids to finding her passion in adult education and workshop training Explore the differences between teaching children and adults The power of infusing life experienc